Thursday, April 25, 2013

It's really a Global Movement now

Recently I was contacted by a totally cool organization called, "Toilet Hackers".

They're based in New York City and have a mission of ending the global sanitation

*Ending* the global sanitation crisis.

This is so inspiring I can't stand it.  They have put together a team of people who are
moving heaven and earth to make it happen and beginning a revolution for like-minded
people to organize around this mission.

So exciting!!!

Cassandra (Jabola - my amazing co-producer) and I decided last week that it's time to
put the feelers out looking for collaborators to take our project to the next level both in
story-telling and production value.

We really believe this story deserves to be told and told well so if any of you readers
know of anyone who knows of anyone - filmmakers, funders, organizations or earth-and-
justice lovers - who might be interested in supporting this project through to the end,
please let me know.

We are gathering and grouping and beginning the next phase of fund-raising.....

Because come on.  SERIOUSLY!!!  Everyone deserves a safe place to put their body-
by-products.  Why not put those by-products to work restoring soil fertility and
agricultural yield and abating disease and starvation??

Let's do this.